Scott Wolf resides in Eugene, OR. In 2005, God called Scott to ministry by using his talent as an illusionist to educate people on how easy it is to be deceived using illusion and to reveal the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Since 1993 Scott Wolf has the privilege of helping spread the good news about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. During this time he has traveled to several different countries on five continents around the globe serving in conjunction with well known and effective ministries including Andre Kole Productions with Campus Crusade for Christ, Magi Ministries, and Adult and Teen Challenge. People are hungry for the truth of the Gospel. They are especially receptive to hearing the good news when presented in a creative, memorable, and compelling way.

With all the bumps and hurdles in Scott's life, today he is as tenacious as ever to get the Gospel message out to all parts of the world.
"It's not about the illusions or the entertainment that I provide in my program that matters, most importantly it's about the message that I deliver to the community and that I provide that beacon of light in my own personal story."
To Invite Scott to your church or campus simply call (503) 919-5040 or by email at
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. “Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”—
Matthew 9:37–38
mission statement
To reach individuals and communities by providing an entertaining evangelistic program and teaching people how easy it is to be deceived using the art of illusion and revealing the Truth that Jesus Christ is the One and only God who brings hope, meaning, and purpose to each of our lives.

We envision a global impact on individuals and communities by sharing the love and life-transforming message of Jesus through a quality, engaging, and entertaining program.

Walking and talking in the way of Jesus and honoring God’s call above all else.
Seeing the suffering of others and taking action to help.
Looking beyond myself to the people around me and sharing the Gospel with words and actions regardless of the earthly cost.
Looking ahead to God's plan and believing by faith to see it fulfilled.